Mate, I know how you feel, I am currently looking for a job, I have just passed my finals for my law degree, but been told that I am underqualified even to work as an office junior!
Its a nightmare I know, and to keep motivated to sell yourself well on application form after application form is difficult, particuarly as you have suffered knock backs. Problem is, people want you to have work experience, but you cant get it until someone gives you a break! All I can suggest is to keep looking, keep your chin up, and perhaps consider volunteering, I know that doesnt help with money, but it will help tremendously with your CV I promise!
Dont apologise for ranting, if you look back I had a similar rant a few days ago, the thread was called 'Things I wish I had known' and I got loads of advice from there if you want to have a look at that. Take care and good luck!