Biology Investigation Help in The AnswerBank: Science
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Biology Investigation Help

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Mathmath | 13:24 Tue 13th Jun 2017 | Science
6 Answers
Hello everyone. I am going to do an investigation in biology, and I'm very interested in experimenting with bacterias. I thought of investigating how different antibiotica affect bacterial growth or the effects of common drugs on human digestive enzymes. The problem is that I don't know what to do achieve that, with that said, which methods I need to use etc..

Any help would we good.
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Are you looking to carry out a study i.e. educational/academic interest, course/qualification or actually work in this particular field?
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I am doing advanced higher biology (AH), i.e the investigation takes place within the school
Assuming you cannot source help from your school/college, maybe these might help get you started:-



Question Author
Thank you, but this is not really what I need. As I mentioned, I am interested in investigating with bacteria, and I gave 2 examples of things I could investigate. And I am only looking for a key on how to do that, how to start, and if anyone could give a method to use.

This is something that takes place within the school, which means that it's limited, and I'm also going to do it on my own.

Thank you again.
You say you are studying AH Biology. If I remember correctly, "Highers" are exams in Scotland. If you live/study there perhaps you may want to contact the Glasgow University and talk to someone in the faculty who can point you in the right direction.

You could also talk to your GP or Hospital if it has specialist departments.

Other than that you may have to perform "searches" on line to find the information you need.

Here is what I managed to trawl up using just the keywords you gave as your interest in a simple search.



I hope this is helpful.

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