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Another Supermarket Nuisance

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albaqwerty | 12:39 Fri 23rd Jun 2017 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Was doing my weekly big shop, trolley practically overflowing as usual, still unloading onto conveyor belt and idiot behind me starts putting her stuff on.
Told her off lol


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I loudly muttered an expletive or two yesterday when a husband and wife dawdled along, blocked the entrance to the aisle with their trolley and the husband just stood in the middle of the aisle reading a broadsheet newspaper fully open.

They weren't a doddery old couple, just thoughtless.
What annoys me is people park their trolley next to the shelf you're trying to get to...
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I've decided some folk shouldn't go out without supervision (and that includes me sometimes!)

Once went to push an inconsiderate persons trolley out the way only to be told 'that's mine' - told him where he should have put it so as not to block the aisle
Easily solved: Home delivery.
I work in a supermarket just be happy and smile when shopping! Iam always treat people with politeness and a smile! People are always pleasant back, it's only shopping
it must be the weather, all this heat is going to people's brains.
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whilst loading conveyor belt, 2 ladies behind me only had a couple of items so invited them to go before me
( I can be nice :-D )

Alas, my fave supermarket don't do home delivery (yet)
Which would that be Alba? Lidl or Aldi???
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the one with the song Cupes :-D

Lidl -liedl, whatever the eff it's called lol

(It's a fave ear-worm when I'm in there)
but I remember the milk
I seem to be invisible in supermarkets with folk just walking into me.."did you not see me coming?" I now demand..with a scowl !!! lol
I used to do that, alba, but haven't found it necessary for some years - I assume people with only one or two items go through the self-checkout queues these days.
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I quite like self-checkouts but they can be a pain when buying a bottle of vino.
(unexpected item in the bagging area - first time I tried it, it took me a while to find out where the bagging area was lol)

Minty, I know that one only too well, usually happens to me when I'm wearing my bright orange fleece!!
Trolleys are in the way wherever people park them while they're diving in the freezer - they either block access to the goods or block the aisle.
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the most stupid idea my fave shop had was to change the milk chill cabinets to putting the milk behind a closed door, you ahve no option but to leave your trolley in the middle of the aisle.
Silly shop-planners.
or the folks that unload half then remember they've forgotten something and just walk away toget it..while I toe tap..GGGRRR..or till operators who whizz it through , make no offer of help and tut and sigh,examine their nails while I struggle to round it up into bags...have been known to just walk away at such a time ..without paying...
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One year, coming up to Mintyday, younger alba offered to come with to help me carry heavy stuff.
Sorry says the git at check out who looked younger than the younger alba, can't sell you that alcohol, you're buying it for him.
Well, I never knew he was telepathetic, so told him to shove the rest of purchases and left
Everyone likes a bargain but what annoys me is when someone stands in front of the reduced shelf towards the end of the day and starts putting everything in their trolley! They block your access with their trolley so no one else can get anything. I have moved it so I can get in too but the looks you get?! Last time I was their a woman had put all ten large pizzas in her trolley reduced to 25p each. So while she had her back turned I took a couple out and wandered off. Still wonder where she thought they had gone.
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ooh, naughty!! but I do love it !! xx
I was once in the queue behind a woman with a large trolley-load, she then indicated someone coming towards the check out with another large trolley and said, 'She's with me, let her through'. There was a frank exchange of views, I prevailed.
Strange assumption. We all deserve to be served by the seller rather than be considered unworthy of more than doing their job for them, unpaid. Have to say a couple of times this year someone kindly let me go ahead of them. Strangely, when the shoe was on the other foot and I offered to someone else, they weren't interested.

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