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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:18 Tue 27th Jun 2017 | ChatterBank
182 Answers
Tuesday. Lots of cloud lurking with intent this morning. It's going to rain today.

Not too chilly, and just a gentle breeze. We'll see what occurs. Tiggy is still out in the garden.

What happens today depends on when it rains. I'll get the running around done early methinks.

Have a happy day everyone.



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Definitely Alba I also obsessed with audi's.

Btw...I love shortbread but dad won't buy it as he knows I'd polish off the lot
I'm getting better with loads of things but there is somethings I'm not.

I'm under a lot of stress at the moment and things keep adding to it - if I get a chance I'll email you Minty

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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