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Do You Ever....

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gness | 20:17 Wed 28th Jun 2017 | ChatterBank
41 Answers
....go out without your brain?

I have a large, twirly, metal snail on a fence in the middle of my garden......

Today, in honour of the race, I bought a metal tortoise to go with it and nailed it behind the snail.......

My friend has just called in for a glass of red........and tells me the race was between a hare and a tortoise.....not a snail.......

I did know brain just didn't today...... :-(


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Maybe I will, Helly!..... :-)

Well it's not a fence as such, Ael......more of a little fence-like folly I suppose...but, were it longer and at an edge, it'd be a fence....x

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