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Lincs And Notts Air Ambulance C/d 15Th July

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smurf | 18:25 Wed 28th Jun 2017 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
55 could be corn bread,reserve a place
Answer is a song
Thanks for any help


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Good luck as it has been asked several times. Something book or hire?
did you get the pulled at Christmas one?
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Only one I could come up with was cracker in my bed
A week ago I asked if 49 had been answered as I had a possible answer, but there has been no response so I assumed it had been.
I thoughtnly come up with along similar lines smurf but the only fulll title like that was You can Eat Crackers in My Bed
For 55 I was think about something LOW FIRE (loaf hire) but can't see anything
Dave- I have not seen an answer for 49 on here (other than the ones involving sleighs, sledges and crackers). I'm sure some have solved both of these -and the ones about a terrier and one about a door-, but understandably some are keeping their cards close to their chests
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Thanks anyway have sent it as going away next week,and as there will not be another one I wanted the charity to have the money

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Lincs And Notts Air Ambulance C/d 15Th July

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