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What Is Actually Wrong With The Eu Repeal Act?

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cassa333 | 15:06 Thu 13th Jul 2017 | News
23 Answers
As far as I can tell it is basicly saying all Europe law gets to be UK law and the UK government then decides law by law to keep, chuck out or amend.

So what's wrong?


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I just read the idiots guide to the repeal bill.... the BBC reality check and TBH I don't have too much of a problem with the wording of who will have the power to make changes.

I would say though that some sort of check should be there.
I'm aware of that NJ but still it's supremacy by choice, so to speak. Parliament chose to lead us into the EU, and chose to come out again, and retained that ultimate control.
so what is wrong?

some of it is political - the role of the opposition is to oppose
the other is that regional assemblies have to give some LCM ( local consent modules or some such and dont wish to without a fight)

and some is that The Proclamations Act 1540 is not an appropriate vehicle to alter primary legislation - Henry VIII clauses - by a stroke of a ministers pen ( executive ) he can alter legislation ( legislative - the two are meant to be separate).

Some you need primary legislation and of course which you do and which you dont is a matter of law

er that's about it

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