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Fao Mazie

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goodgoalie | 21:19 Sun 16th Jul 2017 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
Hi Mazie
Just wondering if you saw Isle of May featured on Countryfile tonight?


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Hi GG. Just seen your post. No, was over in Edinburgh. Got the kids again week after next so thinking we may take them over then. Also know now where Lundin Links are, we pass it every time we go to Anstruther!
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The whole programme was set in Fife, and mostly about raspberries. Lots about the IoM, though, and Ellie Harrison was staying there in bad weather, which rang some bells.
Don't know if you're old enough to remember The Rezillos, but all through the programme I was remembering that their singer had changed her name to 'Fay Fife'. Only amusing to us Scots!
Thank you GG. I'll catch it tomorrow on catch up. Well I'm not Scottish but the other half is..Although I do feel so at home in the amazing place. xx

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Fao Mazie

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