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Diana's Funeral

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mikey4444 | 07:49 Wed 26th Jul 2017 | ChatterBank
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Listening to Earl Spencer being interviewed just now, on the Today Programme, I am still amazed that the powers-to-be made those poor boys walk behind their Mum's coffin. I will never, ever forgive those responsible for that despicable act.

But Spencer didn't appear to do anything to stop it. Considering the excoriating eulogy that he gave, I now find that rather puzzling.


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Trying to stick to the OP ... It was an interview that was conducted as the 20th anniversary of the death is approaching. Earl Spencer chose to use part of the interview to point out that he was lied to re: the boy's desire to walk behind the coffin. Possible reactions: 1) He's a liar. He wasn't lied to. (I think but am not sure that William and/or Harry have said...
15:17 Wed 26th Jul 2017
Trying to stick to the OP ...

It was an interview that was conducted as the 20th anniversary of the death is approaching.

Earl Spencer chose to use part of the interview to point out that he was lied to re: the boy's desire to walk behind the coffin.

Possible reactions:
1) He's a liar. He wasn't lied to. (I think but am not sure that William and/or Harry have said recently that they didn't want to walk behind the coffin, possibly corroborating Earl Spencer's version of events)
2) What he or the boys wanted doesn't matter. They needed to follow protocol.
3) How awful that the boys were made to do something they did not want to do, and that lies were used to push it through.

Whichever is the case, it does not reflect well on the royals. Let's hope that these days things would be different.

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I am amazed by some of the remarks made on here today, as regards "character-building" etc,

The boys were very young, but according to some people they were old enough. So I wonder at what age we should force children walk behind their Mum's coffins ?

Mikey - If they are really young they don't take it in. They go with what they are instructed to do.

If they're at an age where they completely understand then they're old enough to have everything explained to them.
I assume it's the issue of walking you think is cruel Mikey, would it have been alright if they followed behind in a car?
the public glare and totally exposed in front of billions... knowing they were there to put on the upper lip....not right... children are children Royal or not !
I am amazed by some of the remarks made on here today, as regards "character-building" etc,

I totally agree, mikey. The remark that amazes me is

''I will never, ever forgive those responsible for that despicable act.''

Your heart must ache everyday :0(
They know no different though. I'm sure they would have been well prepped.
a child knows his mum is dead and he is distraught and made to do confirmed in the programme by William.."no child should be made to do that "
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Minty...the voice of common sense !
I think it may be the exposure in public that is the problem for them. I can well remember being taken (aged - can't remember, possibly about 7 or 8,) to 'pay respect' to a relative who I had visited just the week before (sat on his knee etc.). The coffin was open and occupied the dining-table on which we'd eaten together the week before. OK, not my mum and I do believe that losing your mum is the worst loss of your life (apart from that of a child, which we have suffered, but which, fortunately, is not inevitable) but children are resilient and at a private funeral a child would have been present. I think it is the 'cover your grief, stiff-upper-lip' necessary because of the huge publicity that was the problem.
The princes supported their father, with Charles' agreement. How else could Charles protect himself from the peoples wrath.
indeed Jourdain..their grief should have remained private
tambo.. william said in the programme they were made to do it...
People do things differently.

To me walking behind a hearse is no worse than having an open coffin at a wake.
but..only if you do it willingly ...^^
Ofcourse MM, they didnt know of the animosity towards their father
all that was periphery Tambo..their mummy was dead !
We walked behind my great granny coffin - didn't want to do it but it was expected as a mark of respect!! I was told to behave and get on with it!!
For the few that are stating how damaging it is for them - do you have your child mental health degree?
Also, as has been pointed out it is expected because of who they are.
and i was traumatised as a young child doing the same, had nightmares for ages..whether or not it is expected it is wrong !

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