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scooping | 19:24 Wed 26th Jul 2017 | News
25 Answers
Who added Q to LGBT, why, and thought Q was pejorative?


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It's all very complicated. I'm kind of glad I'm just S.
Time for a BLT I think!
Coincidentally only read this headline in the Antigua Observer (daily local paper) and was stunned to see the Q word defined:-
"Representatives of the church and the Lesbian Gay Transsexual Queer Intersex and Asexual (LGBTQIA) community clashed over the issue of certain decorations that had adorned St John’s over the weekend"
Far too many letters anyway, too many to learn without offending somebody.
How come lesbians get top billing anyway? High time Dorothy got her friends organised and reclaimed it all for the team.

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