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Asda Packaging...

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janzman | 13:51 Sat 29th Jul 2017 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
...Until recently in my local Asda I could always buy a small piece of fresh ginger (3cm) for a recipe for about 10p. Now the only way to buy it is in a sealed bag for 50p. There's about six times too much ginger for my needs. Likewise today I have to buy a whole bag of parsnips for 90p when I only want two.
Of course I know I don't have to buy any of it, I'll just take my custom elsewhere. Since the introduction of this packaging I have noticed a big increase in the amount of fresh fruit and veg in the 'knocked down'aisle.
What do you think about this.....


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Ginger freezes well. I buy loads of it from the Asian shop, chop into thumb size pieces and freeze.
it's for their convenience, I'm sure, not the customers who only want to buy a single item or even 2.
Trouble is, surely there's more food waste that way?
ummmm, please rename your OH from now on!! :-D

I am a Tesco girl and mainly shop at a Tesco Metro (and online for the heavy stuff), most fruit and veg seems to be pre-packed. I wanted one onion the other day but now have about a dozen of the bleeding things.

I don't know if the larger Tesco stores are the same.
HaHa :-)
Wolfe...I get my shopping on line mainly and I can buy loose fruit and veg.
sincerest apologies ummm, but when I read your first sentence I did have a wee chuckle :-D x
As said ginger freezes well, you can also plant it in ordinary compost and just dig up, rinse and use as required.

Can't comment on parsnips, it's July, well out of season.
I love parsnips.
When I first introduced the albas to parsnips, I told them they were anaemic (sp) carrots.
One of them loved carrots, so half the job was done :-D
Not happy with Asda at all for doing this. I buy one tomato every now and again to put on a sandwich and that's enough for me as I live alone, but now they have stopped selling individual tomatoes and I have to buy a pack of six and that's too many! I have complained in the store and the girl I spoke to said there have been other complaints too, maybe in time they'll revert back - who knows !
Buy the large bag of ginger, cut it up into small pieces and freeze. When you need a piece, let it half defreeze to make it easy to peel, and grate.
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Thanks for your responses people but whether to buy the ginger and parsnips or not isn't really the issue, it's whether Asda is right and fair to be doing this with the packaging or will they shoot themselves in thje foot.
I certainly don't think it's the right approach from ASDA - I too shop online, mainly with Tesco and can get the majority of fresh veg loose.

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