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Gdn Cryptic

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Davidam | 15:21 Sat 29th Jul 2017 | Crosswords
9 Answers
last man standing


over extended time, splits substances in chemical analysis (8)

r - a - e - t -

thank you in advance


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Rents (splits) round age (extended time)
Reagents - 'rents' (splits, over) 'age' (extended time)
What's the count/pottern for the last man standing clue please?
It's not a clue - I think it just means he is looking for the last solution :-)
David means that's his last unsolved clue.
Question Author
Thanks for the interpretation of my "last man standing" - I suppose it does sound a wee bit like a crossword clue. Ah well, I can listen to the raindrops in peace now.

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Gdn Cryptic

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