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How Long Before Trump Let's One Go To

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TWR | 18:09 Mon 31st Jul 2017 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
North Korea?


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Who knows.
No one knows, do they?
in Latest Posts this reads "How Long Before Trump Lets One Go To Chatterbank".

Which sounds a little harsh. Though if he nuked News, the world might be a better place.
Good one, Jno!
I think the question should be 'how long before that madman Kim Jung whassisname let's one go' !!
"Trump lets one go" almost sounds like a tautology.
a tautology always makes my eyes water.

If he had his way, I think he'd have pressed the button already.
Heard on the news this morning that the US rep in the UN said something along the lines of 'no more conversation' or such.
Scary times ahead?

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