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civil war

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dave01 | 08:00 Wed 28th Jun 2006 | History
2 Answers
what would have been the result of the confederacy winning the american civil war?


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I am no expert on American history but I would speculate the following

i) An uneasy peace between the CSA and USA with another war before the end of the century.

ii) Incursions by Mexico, supported by other nations.

iii) Possibly even the rise of a Native American nation in the west if the military focus was further east due to north/south tension.

iv) No American intervention in WW1
I too am no expert however - possibly an alliance, or at least a trade agreement ,between the Confederacy and the UK. The British mills were keen to get southern cotton and other agricultural products and saw a market for manufactured goods. The North was becoming an economic rival and this would have helped put a spanner in their works.

Would the USA have felt threatened by such an alliance, and would a new war, dragging in Britain and other Euopean powers have started? I think there would be every chance.

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