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Annual Poo Test Has Arrived !

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mikey4444 | 14:19 Tue 01st Aug 2017 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
Is it that time of year again ? I thought it was only every 2 years ?

Well, its all in a good cause I suppose !


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mikey....ignore Baldrics advice "Fill yer boots....." You use the container.
15:32 Tue 01st Aug 2017
I don't want to frighten anyone, but please still keep a lookout for symptoms of bowel cancer even if nothing is found in your tests. My mum died of bowel cancer even though nothing sinister was found in her tests.
Like Maggie, I've just had the 'all clear' letter. Every 2 years it is.
Thanks for keeping us informed.
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Just checked....yes, every 2 years.
Thank you for that. Too much information though :)
When I saw the thread title I thought it was a vague reference to Celebrity Big Brother...
Should I be doing one? I'm nearly 58.
Mikey, will you please stop doing your biennial poo posts! It's depressing. Time goes fast enough.
No Hoppy. Not yet.
Half a pound of AB rice,
Half a pound of Eccles treacle.
That’s the way the money goes,
Poop! goes Mikey's anal weasel.

Every night when he goes out,
The Brains’ beer's on the table,
Take a stick and knock it off,
Poop! goes mikey's bottom weasel.

Up and down the shittie road
In and out of the pub called the Eagle.
That’s the way the money goes,
Poop! goes mikey's anal weasel.

Phew, at least our mikey's not drinking diesel.
Well I may ask at the sugary anyway, as my Dad had bowel cancer and I believe there can be a hereditary link .
so did mine Hopkirk, a useful pre-screen but, ultimately, have a full blood screen and I am free, now 4 years on from the pater's age when he passed away, more the mater's genes but then she has dementia. Can't win possibly.
There is an heredity link, Hoppy, so you are right. My grandma died of bowel cancer, so I, also, am careful and aware.
Yes Hoppy, enquire about a test with history in the family.
Apologies in advance for the poor joke, as someone who works in the Op Theatre I see all too often the effects of bowel cancer, but anyway....

Diarrhoea can be hereditary.

.....because it runs in your jeans!

Already getting my coat....
My husband died as a result of brain tumours secondary to bowel cancer.

An important test though as Clover says not foolproof.
quite right, chill, here's the bog roll ready for you.
In my old man's case, colon and then it spread southwards, prolonging his eventual demise....
I forgive you Chilldoubt.

I will enquire soon.

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