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Iss Sightings Tonight For The Uk

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wendilla | 17:34 Fri 04th Aug 2017 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
1st sighting. 9. 33 pm for 5 mins W departing ESE
2nd sighting. 11. 09 pm for 2 mins W Sw


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Nice clear sky at the moment hope it stays that way .
Looks fine for the first here in Devon, Wendi......will be in the land of nod for the second, I hope...long, tiring journey......x
It's looking quite clear up her in West Yorkshire (Blimey!) so may have a chance of seeing them floating past. The UfOlogists oop here might have a clue what it is this time and not report it to the MOD.

Thank you for the heads up Wendilla.
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Still looking good here .
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No chance .came over all cloudy .
I've just come in off the backdoor step. A lovely, balmy, but cloudy evening. No sign of the ISS.

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Iss Sightings Tonight For The Uk

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