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Victor Orban, A Leader Of Conviction And Courage.

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Khandro | 23:13 Sat 05th Aug 2017 | News
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"Orban is a fool/xenophobe/racist" is not an argument.

Yes it is. Just one you don't happen to agree with.

"People who listen to Orban are fools/xenophobes/racists" is not an argument.

See above.
Let's face it it's not exactly high quality debate so far.
And just pointing out that are a few Hungarians who have not yet seen the light ...:-)
I think you confuse argument with abuse. Buy yourself a dictionary.
ichkeria knows a Hungarian who doesn't like Mr Orban. That settles it then.
Sure does, we'd all better follow the 9 yr old too as its only the young that know better, ask Cable.
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ichi //Well I thought I would ask a Hungarian friend of mine who is a lovely lady with only of the smartest 9 year olds I've ever met.
I'll just quote her words:
"He is an idiot. I am ashamed of him"//

I do love a well argued and elegant response.
It doesn't settle anbything khandro, but like I say, some agree some don't.

This is, like 99% of the "questions" in the News Section, not really a question at all, but just another excuse for one of us to push our own agenda or exercise the bee in our bonnet. "Wouldn't you agree" is rather rhetorical. If there has been any sort of elegant argument or debate I must have missed it :-)
Sorry "it doesn't settle anything Naomi"
Oh, it doesn't? That is good news.

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Victor Orban, A Leader Of Conviction And Courage.

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