Thursday. After a vary wet day yesterday the sky is clear this morning. Wonders will never cease!
Nothing particular to do today, so with a bit of luck I'll get some time in the garden, dare I say get the barbie going! Tiggy will probably put in an appearance. He likes the sunshine.
Going to a quiz at the hospice this evening. Taking my friends that live at the bottom of the hill with me. A bar and plougman's supper included. It'll be a grand evening.
awww, bless his wee furry socks Minty.
He's a polite cat :-)
Morning TWR xx
a lovely ab'er once told me, when I said I felt rotten complaining about my things, when there are others worse off, she told me that to carry on having a moan, cos what you are going through is important to you and not to feel guilty about it.
(I miss her)