i was wondering out there what women guys fancy.i am not looking for your super thin,female celebs you hear about all the time type.i mean the forgotten ones.me and my friend had a conversation about this recently.i dont want to hear any angelina jolies etc.so go for it
Jennifer Connely's always tickled my fancy since i watched The Labyrynth when i was younger, erm...Claire Forlani as well....sorry, i'm stuck now, can't concentrate long enough with all this wine in me. I'll have a think again tomorrow when i'm sober toots. Unless anyone else answers, in which case i might jump in and agree with them.
Funnily enough my wife and i were discussing this last night. She was talking about how stick-thin women were perceived as the ideal and how it was hard to live up that ideal. I asked who said that the was the ideal as that's not when men think - virtually all blokes I know are turned off by skinny women: just look at Victoria Beckham, I've never met a single man who's ever found her attractive, yet fashion editors love her. Madness.
As for the original question, there are loads of celebs who aren't super-thin who are highly attractive: Meera Syal is top for me.
i got two perfect women.
Shania Twain IS my ultimate woman... cant fault her !
Anastacia is a close second... looks, body, voice.. she just ooozes sex !
But, in the real world.. i just like womanly women..cant stand these 6` size 6 sticks... i just like the average woman..
Physical appearance does not hold much weight with me...so often I meet a nice looking girl only to speak to her and be totally turned off! I demand intelligence, morals, a pretty smile never hurt anyone but to me, fancying someone is a matter of "clicking" with someone, not just what they look like. This country is so full of "bubbly" girls who are into "clubbin" and I hate them all!