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Islay | 19:34 Sat 19th Aug 2017 | Food & Drink
10 Answers
Tried a new recipe tonight - cauli tots!
Oh my!! My teeny tiny stomach loved them!
Half a cucumber and process till resembles rice, add 1/4 cup of oat flour (processed oats to a rough powder) 1/2 teaspoon of mustard powder, 2 oz of mature cheese grated, salt and pepper and either fine chopped cooked bacon or ham and 1 egg.
Place all in a bowl and mix with your hands make into little balls or finger shapes, place on a cooking tray and squash slightly.
Cook at 200 for 20 mins until crispy, serve with homemade tomato sauce.


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Cucumber or cauli, Islay?
Question Author
Bother Cauli!!! I don't know why I typed cucumber?
Must be cauli, you'd struggle to make cumber ricelike.

Sounds yum.
I often grate cauli and have steamed instead of rice or spuds, nice change.
have had a yearning for cauli cheese for ages.

This recipe sounds absolutely lush, am going to give that a go :-) x
Question Author
It was alba, but you need them to be crispy so not too thick, I didn't use any oil or anything on my baking tray
I love cauli rice/couscous, and cauli puree. This sounds yum.
ooh, thanks Islay xx

The rest of me mob don't do cauli, so it'll be all mine. Freeze the cooked excess once it's cooled do you think?

(I love cauliflower, just in case I haven't mentioned!)
Question Author
Lol I bet there won't be much to freeze Alba, they heat up nicely in the micro (30 seconds) - I will let you know tomorrow what they are like a day later tomorrow - I made 10 and between me and the dogs I managed 3!
lol, I could be persuaded to come over to taste test :-)

Seriously, they really do sound very tasty xxxx

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