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Lidl Superweekend

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mikey4444 | 11:38 Sat 26th Aug 2017 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Nothing much caught my eye this week, but I went to do my normal shop anyway. I got in by about 09:30, and there were some very disappointed people, looking for the Prosecco.

But they were all sold out ....according to the Manager, there were at least 20 people waiting outside the store at 07:55, ready for it open at 08:00 !

Lesson to be learned here....get there early !


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Thanks AOG....not just my local store I see ?

Not sure I really understand this entirely. Many places sell a reasonable Cava, for about the same price.
I can see the attraction...Prosecco, normal price £5.25 a bottle...for only £3.33.....if you buy a case of six.
How sad.
Queuing for Lidl to open to save a few quid on booze.
Did some still have their dressing gowns on ?

I went there looking for the emu meatballs yesterday. They didn't have any.
can't buy alcohol before 10AM in Scotland, irrespective of which supermarket you go to.

Have seen folk in local asda wearing jim-jams at various hours of the day. Unusual people.
Wino fest
What is this country coming to when you can't get your emu meatballs?
Enjoy Tambs.
No matter how early you'd been here in Belfast you wouldn't have been able to get the wine. It wasn't on offer here.
Were they all tipped off answerbankers Mikey?
I went to Lidl at 9.30am for this offer. Was told they sold out within 5 minutes of opening, long queue at the door waiting for opening.

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Lidl Superweekend

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