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The Ostrich

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jordyboy14 | 11:50 Mon 04th Sep 2017 | ChatterBank
87 Answers
To all you greedy Ba. People who are on about eating ostrich shame on you the ostrich is not on the danger list but it's numbers are in decline think on this before you indulge


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LOl.....LOL Jordy, have been on AB long enough to know that when the sharks smell blood, then there ensues a frenzy of feeding. Your blood is well known to them and will always be "marked." Plus you are male, plus you are the wrong generation, plus you speak you haven't got a lot going for you Jordy. One learns to liove with...
12:45 Mon 04th Sep 2017
Of course you did Jordy!
Islay....yes, I'm afraid so....I am used to being a source of amusement to various cows and sheep, up and down Wales, but this was my first, and so far, only ostrich !
I make a damn fine squirrel terrine. The last time I mentioned I was thoroughly vilified.
It's got nothing to do with cliques, Jordy. It just came across as an ill-informed and provocative post.
Ahh Mikey don't take it to harshly - I'm sure your not the first Welshman to be laughed at by a sheep!! ;-)
Mikey isn't Welsh.
As OPs go it won't win hilarity post of the week Jordy - but better luck next time.
Eccles....I have 2 golden rules when it comes to eating meat.

1......I would rather not eat anything that I have been personally introduced to.

2.....I don't eat endangered species.

As far as I can see, judging by the numbers of squirrels that live in the woods behind my house, they are far from rare !
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I'll informed and provocative barmaid? Whereabouts
One man's sense of 'fun' is another man's boorish rant.
There are some very immature posts on here today. You've got to feel sorry for some people.
There is no indicator in your OP that it was posted in fun, jordy.
Provocative = "greedy ba"
Ill informed = ostrich for the table is farmed.
mikey, the ostrich encounter when having a pee could have been serious ... they've been known to devour snakes

aelmpvw - whole?
And worms. :P
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So sorry to you all my ignorance and stupidity has come to the fore once again can I play the age card please my stupid sense of humour it's an age thing
What really is not an adequate defence.
^^^ That

Jordy, have been on AB long enough to know that when the sharks smell blood, then there ensues a frenzy of feeding.
Your blood is well known to them and will always be "marked."
Plus you are male, plus you are the wrong generation, plus you speak you haven't got a lot going for you Jordy.
One learns to liove with it..;-)

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