I have three model aircraft plans in PDF format and each sheet is 36 x 72 inches.
Does anyone know where I can get these printed please? I would prefer to visit the printer in person. My local PrintRoom only goes up to A0 size. I see many paper suppliers can provide the 36 inch paper and even printers, but I don't need that expense.
I'm in North Surrey.
There appear to be a number in the area. Try one of those listed:- https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Large+Format+Printing+Compnaies+North+Surrey&oq=Large+Format+Printing+Compnaies+North+Surrey&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.19525j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Thank you Flonska, but one company is in Northampton (I think the 'North' in the search was the culprit) and the more local one wants to charge £150 for the job, thinking I want posters not ordinary paper plans. I shall keep searching anyway.
Gave a call to Repropoint, (No, that's not a typo!) in Guildford.
Took the flash drive into them and the job was done in less than twenty minutes, for almost a third of the original quote. Highly recommended.