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Doc Martin

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Georgiesmum | 19:45 Tue 12th Sep 2017 | Film, Media & TV
17 Answers
Does anyone know when Doc Martin is returning to our screens please? I saw a trailer showing it is coming back soon but didnt catch when.


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On the 20th. I believe. We love this series, as we did MBB.
19:47 Tue 12th Sep 2017
On the 20th. I believe. We love this series, as we did MBB.
Is this a new series or an existing one being shown on one of the other channels ?
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Thanks so much, yes this is one of my favourites.
Brazile, in the trailer it said it was a new series, it's on ITV.
Sorry about the extra R.
Yep I also love DM
He couldn't exist in real life though - could he ?
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I believe it is a new series starting Bazile.
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Im still trying to work out what MBB is!
They were filming it when I was down in Cornwall in June.
Men Behaving Badly, georgie
Men Behaving Badly
They made a spinoff in Spain. But didn't work. Martin Clunes is unique.
New series (series 8)...eight episodes. ITV1, Wednesdays, 9pm starting 20th Sept.
There's a large article in next week's Radio Times about it and Martin Clunes.
We had an old Doctor just like him Bazile... He was brilliant
I'd love him to "learn" how to show his feelings in this series. It might be the last. :(
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I read somewhere that this will be series eight and there will be one more series after that, and that will be the lot.
oh of course, men behaving badly. Why didnt I think of that, thanks. I liked him in that series too!
^^^perhaps you read it was series eight in my 21:42 post?

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