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Apple Purchase Is It Spam.

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malagabob | 09:56 Tue 19th Sep 2017 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Received an email off Apple with a PDF invoice for a game or other. For $79. I have not ordered anything I supposedly purchased this item of a company in Indonesia. There is a link on the invoice to click if I haven't purchased this item. Is it spam or has my iTunes account been comprised in some way.


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Probably spam - don't click on the link - check the email address of the sender - if it's Apple it should be :

[email protected]

If it does look genuine then you need to login to your iTunes account and have a look at your purchases - do this from a saved link, not from the email.
Interesting idea...send an invoice for something you may, or may not, have purchased!
Never click on a link unless you are 100% certain. What benefit would there be in seeing the 'invoice' anyway.?
...and another thing....everything I have bought online has required payment before despatch. So, invoices aren't expected anyway.
They probably didn't even know your name. Just go onto itunes (simlarly if you get ebay or amazon invoice go on your accounts) and look there. But it's a well known scam so i just delete/report
the non existing purchase is the bait to get hold of your bank details

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Apple Purchase Is It Spam.

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