Has Vince Cable got his finger on the voters pulse to become the next PM? These snippets from the conference show what they think of the electorate.
Lib Dem activists overwhelmingly endorsed the leadership's call to overturn Brexit by whatever means possible.
We are not about doing what is popular or democratic, but do what is right as far as we are concerned, said a delegate.
Charlotte Morrow wants a second referendum to right a wrong and allow 16 and 17-year olds, as well as EU citizens in the UK and all British expats on the continent, to have their say.
"We are not about doing what is popular or democratic, but do what is right as far as we are concerned, said a delegate. " - err or what in their opinion is "right" - Says it all really - ignore democracy when it gives a "wrong" result.There's more chance of Ding Dong Dang becoming PM than Cable.