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Night Night Song From Buenchico

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Buenchico | 23:57 Tue 26th Sep 2017 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Well, if Mamya is going to let herself be beaten by AB's problem with Youtube videos, I suppose that I'd better offer an alternative.

This is one of my favourite songs from the wonderful Reinhard Mey and, I think, entirely appropriate as a 'Night Night' offering here:


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Another way to do it, Gromit, is to use Tinyurl (which is what I did right at the start of this thread). Then your link looks like this:
(BTW: I find that song nearly as irritating as Axel F's Crazy Frog or Joe Dolce's Shaddup You Face, so it certainly wouldn't feature on my personal playlist!)
Ahh that will work then.Just click on share in Youtube and copy and paste the cropped url from the drop down box.
Thank you buenchico . Schone lied :)

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