these phones calls which MAY be monitored for training and other purposes,
Had to do another one this morning yesterday's phone call was cut off
Well, apparently, all calls are monitored and so the MAY isn't applicable.
This is in B&S cos I'm shaking like a leaf, mostly with anger.
Hate the fibs, 'may be monitored' and it turns out it IS, also hate the 'may be monitored' and it isn't.
Do wish 'they' would get their bahookies in gear :-)
Alba in contact centres calls are recorded so that they can be used for quality and training, however not all calls are kept for longer than a matter of minutes.
Also in my vast experience I have only ever once in several years of managing a contact centre had to dial into a live call.
Hope your ok now.
yup, trying to train up for the next one but i got floored by a nasty cold and just getting over that! plus they keep making me go to london for work so i miss the gym in the morning :-(