Yeah I don't like them 'Rat Dogs' either, Susan. Nasty little blighters they are.
When I was at secondary school one of my old teachers bred his own breed of 'Rat Dog'
He ( the teacher ) became pretty famous for a particular clip that was shown ( a lot ) on It Will Be All Right On The Night.
Tony, I can't watch the video on my tablet but will watch it on Laptop tomorrow. They say that ferrets make good pets but I want something cuddled (with sharp claws and teeth) or a big German Shepherd lad.
my neighbour has two dogs, one is a huge husky type thing and as soft as anything can be, the other is a tiny little chihuahua and he has a BIG voice. n He never shuts up and is quite agressive, I never take my eye off him when I'm taking the bins out (always have a cuddle with the big old softy though)