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A Trip Down Memory Lane

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albaqwerty | 11:18 Fri 06th Oct 2017 | ChatterBank
70 Answers
wouldn't be fair or right to take over a different thread.

thanks to 10C for mentioning Eucryl toothpaste.

the things you read on here and stir memories, of things in tins for example,

Kiwi shoepolish, who brushes and polishes their shoes anymore?
(just for example?)

Anyone else have memories of things seldom seen in tins anymore?



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Still available, albeit in a modern tin.
alba, donkey stones were given out by the rag and bone man who had a horse pulling summat, and mums used to "donkey stone" the front steps, and some used to put a white stripe along the very edge, cos they thought it made them look "posh". It didn't ;)

Baths x x
Oh forgot to mention...donkey stones were given out as "payment" for rags etc.

x x x
Anyone remember Smedley's tinned sausage rolls? Not sure I ever ate them though.
i remember (just) buying a locust bean from corner shop,look like a dried banana and rock hard,
I bought my Donkey stones in an ironmonger's shop I'll have you know Baths - I kept wearing my rags.x
Boil in the bag cod with parsley sauce. I hope that doesn't still exist.
Similarly, tinned fruit salad with Carnation milk, also from a tin.
All still exist, always loved fruit cocktail and carnation.
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when in the middle of getting teeth pulled, I loved cod in parsley sauce, or butter sauce -wherever the mood took me
either with pot crocks or mashed
Had to cook summat better for the household tho :)

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A Trip Down Memory Lane

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