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Squeeky electric windows

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buttchester | 09:52 Wed 05th Jul 2006 | Motoring
5 Answers
The electric windows on my 1999 Astra squeal / squeek against the rubber seal when they are opening or closing. This happens whether the windows and seals are clean or dirty.

Is it possible to get something to stop this sound, making them run more smoothly? (I would have thought there would be something to rub into the rubber but I can't find anything.)


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An old wives tale was to put talc on it, but it only seemed to work on my old car temporarily, before they just began to squeal again.
I didn't persist with this I'm afraid, as I was replacing the car anyway.
Halfords sell a rubber/ nylon lubricant. You can spray it onto/into rubber seals,also good on glass channels. I've used it as its the only thing to stop my door seals creaking.
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That sounds ideal. I checked Halfords a few weeks ago but didn't see anything like that. I'll have another look now I know they do it.

Thanks guys.
Try a cleaner that contains sillicone even something like Cockpit Shine, you will find it reduces the friction between the glass and rubber and will have no adverse effect on the glass.

But DO NOT use it on the front or rear screens.
dilligaf has it ... any silicon spray will lubricate rubber seals and tracks ... you'll need to re-apply it regularly though

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