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Last Visible Sightings Of Spacestation Over The Uk For A Few Weeks

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wendilla | 18:11 Thu 12th Oct 2017 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
1st sighting. 7. 16 pm for 4 mins. WSW departing. SE

2nd sighting. 8. 57. For 1 min WSW departing SW
Looking good so far .



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Hope for better sightings next time round as the frosty clear skies are the best for sightings then it's too ...... Cold to,stand out .
Thanks, Wendi....not sure about tonight.....but will have hot toddies ready for the frosty night sightings....x
I'll have another go tonight. Thanks, Wendi.

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Last Visible Sightings Of Spacestation Over The Uk For A Few Weeks

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