Just back from a week in the Scottish Borders. We were driving on the B711 (Hawick to Tushielaw) when an animal emerged from the scrubby hedge on the left; looked calmly at us, turned and disappeared back into the greenery I looked directly at it. My first thought was 'That's a huge fox', then 'Wrong colour for a fox' and it gradually dawned on me that it was a wolf. Size of a large-ish dog, wonderful silver-grey coat, pricked ears, bushy tail with a pure white circle of hair at the end. My brain refused to believe it for a while, but we both saw it and it was a wolf! (This was before lunch, no alchohol involved!)
I didn't know that they now roam free in Scotland, I thought that some were kept in large, fenced reserves. Does anyone know? Beautiful animal, quite an experience.
If it was a wolf/husky cross, it looked darned like a pure wolf to me, didn't have any Husky shoulders etc.. Whichever, it was a wild animal and I've found images that are exactly like what I saw - they were images of wolves.