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Trains, Boats And Planes

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SOS | 07:21 Fri 20th Oct 2017 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
C/D 28.10. The Big C. Can be film, song or fiction titles, or names and types of trains, boats and planes .
34. Cautious! (6)
36. Gromit, perhaps? (6)
44. What woodpeckers do! (6)
49. The occasional attempt! (3,7)
Any ideas please?


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Drumming - also called tattooing, tapping and rapping - is a woodpecker's act of rapidly pecking on a resonant object to create a pattern of sound
36 Beagle
34 Astute?

HMS Astute is an operational nuclear-powered submarine in the Royal Navy, the lead ship of her class. Astute is the second submarine of the Royal Navy to be named after the characteristic of shrewdness and discernment—the first was the World War II-era Amphion-class Astute. She was the largest attack submarine in Royal Navy history when commissioned.
49 all I can think of for this is HMS endeavour but 3 9
49 Sea Venture is a novel about HMS Sea Venture.
44 Pequod

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Trains, Boats And Planes

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