Having a bit of a punt this morning with Answerbank.
From the OP headlines I am predicting the answers of my fellow posters on. Not word for word so much as the rhetoric they give, in response. Which side they come down on by either agreeing or disagreeing with the post etc
Actually sometimes you do sort of know what words they will use because they are stock answers but we do get a surprise sometimes.
For instance I can predict with some confidence who advocates free stuff paid by everyone else and who advocates providing for yourself with help when needed by the state.
From opinions on Trump, gender equality, welfare and politics.
This isn't a dig at anyone or any anyone's opinions. It is that some things are so noticeable that, although I still do, I am cutting back on posting because we each say the same thing over and over again.
No, Ael...in Scotland recovering from a spectacular and embarrassing midnight fall into a broken drain.....and no, I wasn't drunk....just stargazing and wool gathering...
I did make a new friend in the lady who rescued me once she'd decided I was still alive and not a dead stranger she was going to have to deal with.....:-)
Off out to a special bookshop now........nothing will go wrong there....xxx
I know you offered that option, J.......but where I fell was quiet, isolated and had been, all day, devoid of people...I hadn't seen one person at all in my walks around the village...not one.....
But, as I lay sprawled on the verge at midnight, one lady appeared from the narrow jitty in time to get my foot out of the drain and stand me upright...... :-)
"I like to play 'Newspaper Bingo'. I read through the headlines and decide which AB is likely to post about a particular topic......I'm rarely disappointed."
Nope.....no more drains and no falling bookcases in the most wonderful bookshop I've been into in a long, long time....
Comfy sofas.....coffee and books to hold and browse through.......bliss.....x