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Good Solid Labour Lad....

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ToraToraTora | 18:31 Tue 24th Oct 2017 | News
36 Answers
His honesty is refreshing from a party that tries to bury its prejudices, well done.


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sp1814 -Talbot-’re four for five.

Yes but as you will have espied I had my say on the original thread.

Okay...good for you.
yeah but no but

people dont make just one mistake
they sort of you know
Look at Mary Queen of Scots - returns to scotland which is her first mistake 1565 and makes jesus dumb-ass decisions for the next twenty years
before that Peter, who would give up French cuisine for Scots, deep fried mars bars and equivalent back then - in short, she was nuts.
Can a mod please justify why the other thread was deleted? Some very weird things have been deleted lately, and combined with the really aggressive popups (which I can't do anything about on my phone - which is how I tend to use AB) is really turning me off the site again.
Also it is very, very unusual that AB does not publicise its list of mods. Just about every other web forum I have ever been on does this, and the fact that AB hides them is extremely weird and completely removes accountability. You're driving people away from your site.

Sorry for derailing 3T, it's just really irritating that everyone's thoughts on this subject have already been flushed for no obvious reason.
Can a mod please justify why the other thread was deleted? Some very weird things have been deleted lately

You know that isn't going to happen, Krom.
Yes, there was a couple of mild double entendres but the over the top, unsavoury and unnecessary comment was removed ... I didn't see why the whole thread should be removed.

Off to see if any more allegations have surfaced.
I agree with Krom. Posts are being removed for no apparent reason, there is no accountability - and there should be.
I agree with Krom and Naomi. There needs to be a good reason why individual posts and whole threads are removed, other than the Ed or a mod doesn't particularly like the comment or the person who made it.
Well you can alos have your avitar removed for life if you put an anti-EU one on !

Pathetic or what.

(Lets see how long this lasts)
Here's the thing to consider when it comes to making "judgements". O'Mara insists his behaviour does not warrant his resignation from the Labour party............but if he was a Tory MP it would! That is the mindset that prevails.
//, I am now open to the charge of hypocrisy. If this was a Tory MP, I would be demanding his immediate resignation – that’s what some of you are thinking.//
Just on the news. Jared O'Mara has been suspended by the Labour party pending a full investigation.
//pending a full investigation// this likely to involve a great big can of snowcem, a very wide brush and full re-instatement for Mr O'Mara?
In the previous thread on this subject, I was quite happy to let things rest, as he had made a full apology and his indiscretions were committed years ago. Others said much the same.

But now that fresh allegations are being made, I think that O'Mara should think very carefully about his position. If he resigned his seat, I for one, would not be disappointed.

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