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Would You Eat Squirrel

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murraymints | 09:57 Wed 25th Oct 2017 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
on this morning.. would you hunt squirrels and feed them to your family ? don't think I would.however if one is hungry enough.....


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I'd eat almost anything if survival depended upon it. Though i might choose death if i were offered the ex-wife's cooking.
10:52 Wed 25th Oct 2017
I'd eat them, might have a bit of trouble catching one as I'm very easily dist...

Oooh, a squirrel!
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lol LIK... get a catapault !!
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nooooo can still see its wee face !
Not by choice no I wouldn't. Have only eaten rabbit once as a teen at a school friend's house (well tumbledown cottage in the middle of nowhere) and it was full of shot. Never again, further compounded after watching the film Repulsion. Eeeuw
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nooooo.. couldn't !
Yes (grey ones). 1st time Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall was on TV he was living 'wild' & he cooked some, looked good.

I've eaten some lovely rabbit casseroles etc., etc. in France. They are easily available in the supermarkets, but quite expensive - and don't overcook (I did once) because the bones are tiny and difficult to fish-out. Neighbour just kept rabbits in a run in his garden - he also had snails in an old washing-machine, chickens and other fowl as well as every year buying a poor piglet which lived in its tiny sty until it was big enough to kill - by this time it couldn't turn round. I used to feel glad when I heard the shotgun. :( They didn't have to buy much meat.
Definitely, as long as they dont contain nuts!
No. By hungry do you mean starving, but why would I be starving and if I was hungry I'd just make a butty (not with squirrel on it)!
Are squirrels not bank accounts .so could you could eat squirrel with currents then .Just a thought

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Would You Eat Squirrel

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