Should The Labour Party Celebrate The Centenary Of The Revolution?
Andrew Rosindell has tabled an extremely sound Early Day Motion countering the hard-left’s celebration of the Russian revolution centenary. The motion will remind the House – and the Labour front bench in particular – of the murderous consequences of that fateful ‘revolution’ which ushered in decades of oppression and misery for millions. It reads:
“That this House notes, with great regret, that 7 November 2017 marks 100 years since Russia’s Bolshevik Revolution which subsequently demonstrated, time and again, that Communism is a murderous political ideology, incompatible with liberty, self-government and the dignity of human beings, and injurious to the national, ethnic and religious traditions of the world’s peoples; further notes that Communism subjected millions to theft, surveillance, terror and ultimate destruction; acknowledges that the cultural, political and economic legacy of Soviet Communism still negatively affects vast numbers of people today; and accordingly believes that the crimes of Communism, together with those of its mirror image, National Socialism, must forever serve as a warning to humanity of the terrible consequences of totalitarianism in all its forms.”
Source: Guido Fawkes