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Blundering Boris Strikes Again.

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Gromit | 13:43 Tue 07th Nov 2017 | News
26 Answers
// Foreign Secretary’s [Boris Johnson] incorrect comments he made in Parliament led to Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe being hauled in front of an Iranian court and told her sentence may be doubled to ten years.

Mr Johnson was due to call his Iranian counterpart on Tuesday to undo damage after telling a committee hearing that Ms Zaghari-Ratcliffe worked in Tehran teaching journalism before she was arrested and jailed for spreading propaganda - despite a central part of her defence being that she had never done so. //

What does Johnson have to do to get the sack ?


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Boris is "glad to clarify" apparently....yes, after being dragged to the commons to do so.
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Recent HuffPost report on our Foreign Secretary, and how the rest of the world sees him...
Gromit....much as I agree withe the sentiment, being insulted by the current White House must seem like a small, ironic victory for Boris.
W. A. P, can't help it can he.
And all this from a man that can not even dress himself and does not own a comb,
sadly, you may be right, gulliver. Boris is no fool and he'd probably bridle at any comparison with Trump. But he does seem to share a tendency to say the first thing that comes into his head.

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Blundering Boris Strikes Again.

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