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Wl Update

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Islay | 11:31 Fri 17th Nov 2017 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Well I have had a pig of a week starting with being hospitalised on Sunday and missing the concert that I have had tickets for since March!
On the plus side I am now 12 stones lighter!
And my darling husband has just bought me 2 tickets to see the group when they come back next year!
I only have 4 weeks to the ball and I think my gown is going to be too big!!
Happy days


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I'm sitting on my hands.
17:08 Fri 17th Nov 2017
And there I was expecting to read what you are preparing for the Women's Institute Christmas Fair.

Twelve stone is an astonishing loss, well done you. As great as it is to lose weight in is really annoying when you open your wardrobe and realise nothing fits.
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Lol Eccles I am down to a 'capsule' wadrobe!! 4 pair of trousers - 6 tops and 2 jumpers oh and an evening gown!!
I refuse to shop until the sales!
It's an amazing amount.

I think you'll have to hold off buying clothes until the last minute :-)
Delighted to hear Islay, well done.x Sorry you missed your concert though.
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Butterbun - gutted doesn't come close!!
I have taken to living in M&S 'comfort trousers' - shocking!
Sorry to hear you've been in hospital but glad you're out now, look after yourself.x
Err, nothing wrong with m&s comfort trousers I'll have you know young lady!
I thought you'd joined the WI too if ;)
Meant to say, I'm so sorry you've had some problems this week. Hope it sorts itself out soon. Do they know why you passed out and clonked your head?
She got over excited and burst a brain cell. The remaining brain cell couldn't cope on its own :-) x
Ooh 'eck Ummmm, wait till she reads that! ;o)
Says it all burst one of her two brain cells whilst waiting for a Steps concert.

I'll bite my tongue now.
I'm sitting on my hands.
I suspect the sales will be starting early this year; business in the High St isn't good.
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Ummmm you cow bag!! Lol yes eth Steps! Gutted doesn’t come close but it’s ok my darling husband has got me tickets for their extravaganza at Stormont next year.
I defy oneone to say 'yes Eth, Steps' out loud without biting their tongue.

Sorry to hear you've been in hossie Islay, don't do it again!!

Congrats on the weight loss, brilliant news.

Well done, Islay:- ). And you missed Steps- win-win! Xx
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You cannot believe how gutted I am to miss steps although I did see vengaboys. Thanks all for the comments

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