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Help, Lost Tv Picture

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Rtaxron | 17:28 Wed 15th Nov 2017 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
When I reached for the remote, I accidentaly pressed something, and lost the picture/sound, with a notice coming up, saying check cable connections & settings.

I turned it off/on, and checked source button, all ok, but its the same, any ideas folks, its a Samsung, quite new.


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Switch both off at the mains and turn back on. It will take a few minutes before sky box responds.

Also check cables are connected.
I did exactly the same and the TV was on stand by as I said earlier. Mine's a Samsung but an older model.
I pressed a button on the top of the TV and it came on instantly.
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Sorry for the late thanks, but in the end, switched off/on at mains for about 2 minutes, and hey presto, back again,
thanks once again for all your replies :-)
That's the cure for everything these days

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