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slow broadband

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stevie619 | 14:05 Sat 08th Jul 2006 | Technology
4 Answers
ive got tiscali 8mb broadband but my download speed is crap and my ping in on line games is so bad i get kicked out all the time. help please ?


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that 8mb will be subject to your lines speed capacity. you may have 8mb max running through a 512kb line. bulldog nearly screwed me this way. there is no way for you yourself to change the speed of the line but you can use british telecoms website (assuming you are on bt) to find out your areas max connection speed. if you cant then you can email bt and they will tell you. most places in the uk have less than 8mb. where i live there is 2mb max.
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i get arund 6.3 mb with tiscali, but my download speeds are pooh
BT have a speed tester that you can use no more than every 30 mins (not easy to find on Google, surprisingly):-

Of course there are several others but it might be worth checking with BT's

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1.7Mb file at a speed of 3666 kilo bits per second (Kbps
Is that Pooh?

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