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I Am Going To Have To Give Up Playing Badminton

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Tilly2 | 20:43 Sat 25th Nov 2017 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
I have golfer's elbow! :-(


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Sorry to hear that Tilly. It's a shame when you have to give up something you enjoy. Could you take up something that doesn't involve your elbows, like skate boarding?
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That's a bit better, Yont. It will 'go' with my top. Thanks for that.
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Skate boarding will knacker my ankles, LB!
A unicycle would provide exercise Tills, and you would wave your arms about without any stress to you elbows. Just need a comfortable seat fitted. :))
Sorry to hear this Tilly, I hope you can find a way of being still able to play.
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Thanks, Marval. I'm sure that a few weeks off and a few ibuprofen will allow me to continue.

Togo, I have a bicycle. Will that suffice?
Hardly compensates for the vigorous arm movement required playing Badminton Tilly, but a unicycle will provide the necessary wild swipes to keep your balance I should think.
could be worse....could be housemaid's knee
Now that would be serious Woof. when I damaged my cruciate ligament I had to stop using my pogo stick to nip down to the Co-op and use the space hopper. Had to blow it up as well. :))
Tilly . . ., although you say you are not into golf - if you do have any golf balls, put them in the freezer and when "frozen", you can "roll" them on the affected area, (see "I - ice" in PRICE). Make sure you put a tea towel over your arm first - to prevent "burning" your flesh. (They are, of course, re-usable! - saves making loads of ice cubes and melt mess!).
Never having played in my life, ok pitch and putt, I have golfers elbow. Found a Velcro armband thingy online with a magnet in, sorry no link :-(
Can now do table tennis wearing said band.
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Thanks for all the tips, everyone.

It could be worse I suppose. I could have tennis elbow as well.
FORE !! hope it is better soon xx
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Thanks, Minty.
//I know enough about golf to not bother//
just spoils a nice walk doesn't it?

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Yes, I'd rather be looking at the birds, not looking for balls.

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