Trouble is, gnasher it doesn't make sense, it's just a word list. Someone attempted a story here:
- but it's still a bit random.
"Damn! I, Agassi, miss again! Mad!"
"Satan oscillate my metallic sonatas!"
"Straw? No; too stupid a fad. I put soot on warts!"
""E C I F F O S R O T C O D E H T T A M A X E E Y E S I H G N I R U D T O P E L B B O C D L E I F R E T S E H C D L A W S O D A I S," said Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot during his eye exam at the doctor's office."
And for those Dutch speakers amongst you: "Nelli plaatst op 'n parterretrap 'n pot staalpillen."
Here's a new one for you. Picture a courtroom scene. The Prosecutor (a woman) says 'I put it to the court that the accused is none other than the notorious 'Madam Kayak', who killed all these innocent people on the Polynesian island of Saw I'. So the Accused (another woman) replies the following: 'I WAS NO MADAM KAYAK, MADAM, ON SAW I'