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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 06:27 Tue 28th Nov 2017 | ChatterBank
119 Answers
Tuesday. Guess what. No wee men turned up...again! So at 1000 I phoned the contractor. Nobody answered the phone. So I phoned my lovely wee lass at the council. Shortly after someone from the contractor phoned me! to tell me the tiler had phoned in sick. OK he can't help being ill, but it would have been nice if they had phoned to let me know. So I put my sergeants stripes back on and Yer man was in no doubt that I wasn't impressed. Later the sparky turned up in person to apologise for not being able to do his bit. A nice bloke, he again promised me he, and the tiler would be here this morning. I told him I have to go out at 0900 this morning, the tiler had better be here before then. If not, he better be waiting when I get back. I've done plenty of waiting for them, they can wait for me this time. What a way to run a company!

Not so cold out this morning. But it's going to be a lot colder according to the wee weather man on the idiot box!

Have a happy day everyone. :o}


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Late again but have to do birds first before I switch on or I cant here myself lol .
know what you mean..once plonked here..difficult to move away !
How true that is .My bacon has been defrosting so off to do that now . Have a good day .
good morning, grey overcast and looks more like snow weather, oh ho...
morning Emmie xx bye Wendi xx
what's the weather doing up in your neck of the woods..
very cold..heavy frosts but bright and clear...for now..gritters out this morning
Good morning all. I hope everyone is well.

I have the day to myself, so I am going to make a big list and work my way through it. I need to get things done. I seem to have got myself into a, 'I'll do that tomorrow' mode. Consequently, nowt's getting done.
morning Tilly xx me too..must do something today !
i need to get some stamps and some light bulbs, will see what the weather is doing first.. don't like our local post office as they don't smile, be particularly polite just rather morose. but if i don't go out soon will have stayed in for days.
Good morning all
Good morning Minty XXOOXX
I cleaned the windows yesterday and just a few minutes ago a seagull decided that the front one was a WC. I will now leave it in the hope that the weather warms slightly before I tackle it.
Has anyone used these vacuum window cleaners and if so could you tell me your opinion.
morning Donny XX..OO..XX... I have one ..quite scary to see the colour of the water in the reserve tank !!
I have a Karcher window vacuum, Donny, and it's brilliant but I find that I do have to do the arch at the top and the corners by hand. It misses them.
Thank you both for your opinions, I ask about them because having spent a long time cleaning the outside windows when I came inside I was amazed at the amount of streaking ( wash your mouth out Minty)that I had left. Can you use them with water and detergent or must it be a special spray.
you can use any fluid really.. there is a well for water and cleaning agent that then runs away into a reserve chamber for tipping... I have been using oh's car screen wash !
I use a micro fibre cloth, water, vinegar and a tiny drop of washing up liquid. I 'slosh' it on the window and vacuum it off. Then I polish up with a piece of paper towel.
Thank you both,I will have to see what remnants of Black Friday are available.
once dried I go over any bits with paper towel too.. looking at them should do that today.... maybe I'll just close the blinds ! lol
am too far up to do windows, they don't look too bad at any rate, even though live on a main road.

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