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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:49 Wed 06th Dec 2017 | ChatterBank
138 Answers
Wednesday. Is it finished yet? Nah. I'm out today, so it should be finished tomorrow. I've said that before though, haven't I!

Im taking my lovely friend to the Helicopter Museum at Weston-super-Mare today. I haven't been there for a long time. I'm looking forward to it. So I shall be away at 0800.

It's warmer that expected outside this morning, 9°C I hope it stays warm!

Have a happy day everyone.


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think England team is just rubbish !!
East Anglia broadband, I thought I'd posted this before! Re RAF stations, Lakenheath is mainly USAF and is expanding, their F15s rattle the roof tiles regularly and they're due a new one soon, F16 maybe, Mildenhall is I think closing, Neatherd is just a radar Museum and Coltishall is a housing estate. Apparently during the height of the Cold War East Anglia would have been one of the main targets for the red forces as it was considered to be a US aircraft carrier! On trips to the USA we have often met elderly American men who are very nostalgic about their time over here.
it's a strange game :-)

There's a cricket ground near me, but have yet to hear if there's a team that plays there.
Have only lived in this area for 40 years lol
Really don't think Scotland 'does' cricket.
gosh...lots of changes since I left Norfolk then !
there was a nasty fatality at N'head just before we left..a lad got caught by a sweeping radar ex had to open an investigation...
Radar screens fascinate me.
A brother worked for air traffic control and all the dots and flight numbers etc were very interesting.

How does one pronounce Neatherd ?
thanks Minty :-D xx

I find myself shouting at tv screen when some numpty mis-pronounces Bearsden, Greenock, Milngavie.
I just scream Mouse-hole lol
millllngavvvie ! lol ..
there is a Wymondham near Norwich..pronounced but I called it why..mon..dham..when first arrived to strange knowing looks !
and Costessey pronounced ..cossy.... lots of strange wee villages around Norfolk !!
I wanted to buy a house in Dickleburgh..ex refused point blank to live in a place with that name !! lol
snigger !

brother used to live in Diss, nice and simple lol
nice wee place Diss
Neatishead, not Netheard of course, sorry and OH tells me I'm wrong on Mildenhall, the Americans under Obama said they were leaving but it's now not as sure and the RAF are still there! Many weird place names, my favourite is Happisburgh, pronounced Hays'bro.
used to go to auctions in Diss
ah..loved Happisburgh...
Happisburgh ought to be pronounced Happy -burgh
(town of happy people)

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