"t’s a problem because one or two (perhaps three or four) countries are still saddled with everything you mention. Migrants from Africa and Asia do not want to stay in Hungary or Bulgaria or Slovakia. Nor for that matter do they want to be in Italy, Greece or Spain. They want to be in Germany, France, Sweden and the UK (which I accept, as a non-signatory to Schengen does not face quite the same problems as countries that are). "
Indeed, but that would happen anyway. The valiant attempt to settle people in places like Hungary and Slovakia is plainly doomed, but the alternative is ...: they are just sent elsewhere anyway. The issue, as you rightly point out later, is the external border -- not the internal one. And it so happens that the Hungaries and the Slovakias of this world don't want these people anyway. You can argue that it is the nasty old EU foisting unwanted migrants on them but at the same time this is an issue fundamentally not of the EU's making. I am all in favour of abandoning at least temporarily Schengen arrangements in the interests of security, but the idea that Schengen is actually the problem here, or makes this particular problem worse, doesn't really stack up to me., And I am intrigued to know why khandro thinks that just because he's been told to take his passport to France with him, that this is a sign that open borders are coming to an end (!)