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Good Morning Early Birds

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murraymints | 06:25 Fri 08th Dec 2017 | ChatterBank
149 Answers
Boaty must be having let's launch Friday's boat !


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clear blue skies here..freeezing though
shame you can't edit your own posts when you make a spelling mistake. my dearch bar thread looks odd, though people seem to know what i meant.
its getting colder i know..
did you dad pass away minty, mum passed away in june, and its really weird but doesn't seem that long ago
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just over 2 years ago Emmie..but still very raw to me
yes i can imagine, my mum wanted us to scatter her ashes in Camden lock, which presents some problem as we have to all get together as everyone wants to be there, but one niece lives in Dublin and doesn't get over very often.
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dad is in the wee cemetery in his village..I go up with roses every Sunday..a wreathe last week...
that's lovely, remember him as he was, just as i do mum.
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I do Emmie...just miss him so much
i miss mum and the o/h, but remember the good times and some of the not so good.

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