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Have You Got Your Thermals On?

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Tilly2 | 20:12 Sat 09th Dec 2017 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
I have.


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So possibly sleet where I am tonight tonyav..... that’s not too bad as long as it doesn’t then freeze!
Set out early, Smow.
I can’t sadly. Have to go to daughters round corner to where I’m staying to say goodbye and pick something up. Then can’t leave till 10.30 to drive to see teen Smow and gf and meet her family as can’t get there before 11.30. Then lunch and the long drive home.....
Maybe the traffic will have cleared the snow from the main roads by then, Smow.
Take it easy and carefully.
No way I could wear that, ron. It's Watford colours ;-)

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