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Good Morning Early Birds

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murraymints | 06:13 Sun 10th Dec 2017 | ChatterBank
180 Answers sign of the captain yet...poota problems ? So let's get launched xx


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Hammering blizzard here (Shropshire / Herefordshire borders) everywhere with a very deep covering of snow and I'm so excited, except apparently we're filming in it :(
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bacon and broon..'tis Sunday Balders !
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morning Kva xx a new project ?
Morning Tilly xx
Morning kval
Morning all. Very wet and windy here. We're meant to be having snow this afternoon too. I was going to go out this morning, but might not bother, now.
Minty, we will all be going out in it. Time for the thermals again today.
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morning Clover xx you'll have fun Tilly !
No Minty the same one. We're wrapped technically but we waited for 2 years for flaming snow and didn't get ANY, uswed snow machines instead but now the decision has been made to quickly reshoot one little scene and do some B roll because it looks so nice ( which it does). Baah humbug :( New project in the New Year mind you which ought to be fun :)
Well... this isn't going well.... Got my car stuck at first call, another 3 inches of snow came down while i was in there and can't move it in any direction. Have walked home at moment. Two relatives have texted (live-in) saying don't come out, they'll manage... Have to try to work out the others!
Morning All !

Got up...another sleepless night.

Its sleeting at the moment !
Oh dear, Pixie. I hope you can get something sorted out.
Thanks Tilly xx have just contacted a Carer friend who is in walking distance from one- she can't get in to her own work, so she will go there...xx
This shows how much snow has fallen and is going to fall.;-3.64;6&l=snow
It's not good for people who have to use their cars to get about. Mine is staying in the garage today.
That says 2.7 inches in my area, but it is over the top of my ankle boots. Just stuck a ruler in table in garden- just under 6 inches xx
Useful link Tilly....thanks !
It's going to keep on all day. Tomorrow will be awful, for some.
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morning Mikey xx bright and sunny here !

what you do for your craft Kva ! lol

poor pix
We really should have got the snow shovel out of the garage last night.

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I really should get mine oot too Tilly !

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Good Morning Early Birds

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